Uitgelicht bericht

Hello Zippo-collector

As this site is completely devoted to Zippo’s I assume you are a Zippo-collector.
                                                      Welcome to Zippoman.nl.

Everything on my website is for sale. You can reach me through facebook or message

Enjoy the site, thank you for your visit and, where possible, thanks for your coöperation.

Gerard Kluivingh


Changes on the website

Scanning through my collection i found out someZippo’s were already sold and also Zippo’s that were not on display. So changes are made to the website :

Following Zippo’s were added. (All for sale)

1997 Zipo Sport Serie
1997 Zipo Sport Serie

New Items September 2017

New aquiries september 2017. Bought from Brasershop in Bremerhaven and during the ‘My Zippo’ Swapmeet in Hamburg.

Sold two Mazzi lighters :

Update 2 – August 2017

Today I updated the webside with all the Posters I have from Zippo :

Zippo Posters 


I acquired some new Zippo Items :

New Zippo’s August 2017

Most of these items are aquired during my trip to the USA this year. Please feel free to scroll down to see the stories of the GLLC Swapmeet and the 20th Anniversary of the Zippo Museum.


New Zippo’s


New Documentation





20th Anniversary of the Zippo Museum

On the 15th of July the Zippo Museum held its 20th Anniversary. So after the swapmeet of the GLLC on the 14th we all went to the Museum

On the way to the Zippo Museum...

On the way to the Zippo Museum…

Zippo had made a 100 special lighters for the occasion. There were two models.  They would only be available at the Museum. So everybody wanted to be at the Museum early.  The first people already arrived at 7.00 a.m. So when we arrived at 8.00 a.m. there already was a line ……

Line up at the Museum

Line up at the Museum

Totally there were three Zippo’s. Two are limited and the third one is regular available.

It was really crowded at the desk of the museum. Most of the people were GLLC members. So it was a good idea to have the GLLC meet a day before…

Crowd at the desk

Crowd at the desk

Next to the special sale they had games set up, prizes were given out, had an auction (silent)  and had a knife sharpener/zippo repair man on hand. Of course there was also enough food and drinks available.



You could also attend the Museum itself and if you were lucky could hear the story of the stolen Case Knife and how it landed in Jack Gorton’s garden …

Jack and his Knife

Jack and his Knife

It was also an oppertunity to meet old Zippo Acquaintances as Kathy Jones and Linda Meabon. Laura and I were , thanks to Kathy Jones, interviewed by the Bradford Era.

In the Bradford Era

In the Bradford Era

All in all it was an interesting and pleasant day. (And it also gave me new special Zippo’s …..)


Great Lake Lighter Club Swapmeet 2017

Shirley Evers - Zippo Archives Manager

Shirley Evers – Zippo Archives Manager

This year the dinner was donated by Jeff Johnson.
Here I met Ron Orris (Lower left pcture in the middle) Ron is the Executive Director at the Blaisdell Foundation.. He gave me a nice Zippo.

2017 Blaisdale Foundation

2017 Blaisdale Foundation


2016 New Zippo Material

New Zippo material 2016 Part 3



New Zippo Material 2016

To make the messages a bit shorter i split this update in different parts. This is Part 2.