Josef Bauer – Femina Universa 1997
- 1997 JB Femina Universa 1
- 1997 JB Femina Universa 2
- 1997 JB Femina Universa 3
- 1997 JB Femina Universa 4
- 1997 JB Femina Universa 5
Zippo Jeans 1997
- 1997 Leather Tab
- 1997 Watch Pocket
- 1998 Fly Zipper
- 1998 Red Tab
Richard Wallich 1998
- 1997 RW Instruments Drums
- 1997 RW Instruments Guitar
- 1997 RW Instruments Piano
- 1997 RW Instruments Saxophone
Norman Rockwell Illustrations 2002
- 2002 NRI Flying Uncle Sam
- 2001 NRI Tattoo Artist
- 2002 NRI Bottoms of the 6th
- 2002 NRI Triple Self Portrait
Decades of Playboy 1 2003
- 2003 DOP 1 Mr Playboy
- 2003 DOP 1 Zebra pants
- 2003 DOP 1 Retro Girl
- 2003 DOP 1 Playboy Singer
Decades of Playboy 2 2004
- 2004 DOP 2 Body Painting
- 2005 DOP 2 Inflatable Rabit Head
- 2005 DOP 2 Soda Girl
- 2005 DOP 2 James Bond
Stadium Collection 2004
- 2004 Fenway Park box
- 2004 Wrigley Field box
- 2004 Yankee Stadion box
- 2004 Fenway Park
- 2004 Wrigley Field
- 2004 Yankee Stadion